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Mental Health:

Anxiety and mental health can influence your sex drive if you are suffering from stress or anxiety your body is unable to relax enough for you to become sexually aroused or be able to enjoy sex. Studies have shown that the stress hormones released by the body are linked to sex drive. The more stressed you become, the more stress hormones the body releases, and therefore the more likely you are to have a lower sex drive. Your sex drive may be lower than you partner and over time, this may put strain on your relationship. 

Their may also be some traumatic event that occurred in your past that is causing you some anxiety and stress. 

The side effects of some antipsychotic and antidepressant medications may affect a person’s sex drive, this includes disturbances of erection and ejaculation, changes in libido, and priapism in men and decreased libido, orgasmic dysfunction, and menstrual irregularities in women.  The side effects of antipsychotic and antidepressant medication can affect 30 to 60 percent of people taking these drugs. 

I, as a psychosexual and relationship therapist would be looking at working with the individual in working with what is causing the anxiety or depression, looking at ways to resolve the issue that is causing the anxiety/depression and also looking at introducing some sexual activities between the individual and their partner. I will introduce some other exercises to complete both in therapy and at home. 

I would also look at any medication you taking and if they are having an impact on your sexual desire. 

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