Psychosexual and Relationship Therapist
What do I provide as a Psychosexual Therapist.
I will be aiming to help you improve the physical intimacy between you and your partner and overcome or manage any sexual difficulties you're having. Whatever your gender, sexual orientation or relationship status, I can help and reassure. I can support you to feel more comfortable and confident with your relationship and intimacy.
What causes sexual issues?
There can be various reasons for sexual issues, which may be:
Physical (illness, disability/chronic illness, accident, surgery or medications)
Psychological (depression, anxiety or other mental health conditions)
Emotional (unhappiness in the relationship, unresolved grief)
Situational (certain situations or environments)
Feel free to read some more information below...
Sex is loaded with emotion, talking it through with a Psychosexual and Relationship Therapist, who will help support and ease the tension you and your partner are feeling. Bringing you and your partner back together.
What can I offer in my Psychosexual and Relationship Therapy sessions?
I am a Psychosexual and Relationship Therapist and can offer support for a wide range of problems, including but not limited to:
Sexual pain or not being able to have penetrative sex
Erectile or ejaculatory problems
Loss of interest in sex
Mental health diagnosis and antipsychotic medication, the impact on your sexual desire.
Psychosexual needs during the menopause
Gender identity
Exploration opportunities of historical experiences and identify the reason for the sexual disfunction
Problems with climaxing
Practical exercises for you to carry out in the privacy of your own home
Focus on identifying you and your partner’s sexual needs
Learning to communicate your sexual needs
Couples therapy
People who are at risk of sexual offending
Survivors of sexual abuse
Trauma with the use of EMDR
I can now offer ADHD screening and diagnostic assessments